
Antibacterial Soaps & hand Gels

Use regular soap or hand gels. Avoid antibacterial products that contain triclosan, which promotes "super bacteria" and has hormonal effects.

Clothing and Linens

Wash new clothing, towels and sheets before using them. Use green dry cleaners when possible, or avoid dry cleaning clothes. Chemicals on these items may reduce your ability to have a baby, cause early delivery or stillbirth, affect your nerves, and increase your risk for cancer.

Lotions, shampoos, and personal hygiene

Artificial fragrances and other chemicals in soaps, lotions, shampoos and other personal products are linked to reproductive problems, asthma, skin irritation, and cancer. Buy natural or chemical-free when you can.

Cleaning supplies and air fresheners

Strong cleaning chemicals, and other products with strong scents like air fresheners, often contain phthalates that can cause health problems, such as thyroid problems, cancer, low birth weight and infertility. Avoid strong smelling chemicals and use alternatives to air fresheners.

Smoking and Vaping

Talk to your doctor about quitting smoking. Smoke chemicals can harm the growing baby: low birth weight, asthma, and/or learning problems.


Choose PVC-free plastic materials when you can, or use alternatives such as cloth. PVC plastic (shower curtains, window clings, some toys and teething rings) might contain certain chemicals that can cause cancer and birth defects.

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Get a detector for both smoke and carbon monoxide, or ask your landlord. Make sure gas stoves and fire places are working properly and are well ventilated. Smoke detectors are very important for preventing smoke inhalation and burns. Carbon monoxide is an invisible gas that is very harmful.


Pesticides are dangerous for women, babies, and children. They can make it hard to have a baby; cause miscarriage, birth defects, learning disabilities, and even cancers.

Older Homes

Pipes and paint in some older homes main contain lead, lead can cause damage to the brain and nerves. It also increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth and low birth weight. Radon is also a cancer-causing gas that can be found in basements. You can purchase a test kit at a hardware store.

Home Improvements

Dust from paint and building materials can contain lead and other toxins that can cause breathing problems. Choose low-VOC paints.

Mercury Sources

Use LED lights when possible. Take caution when cleaning up a broken mercury light bulb or ask your landlord to do it. Use electronic thermometers when possible. Mercury exposure can cause problems with how the baby’s brain and nerves develop. Compact fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury.

This is not an exhaustive list of prenatal health exposures, you should always talk to your doctor if you are unsure about the health effects of an exposure.