Climate & Health Fact Sheets and Brochures

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Climate and ASthma Brochure

Key information and resources for staying healthy with a changing climate for asthma patients.

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Climate Change and your health - Patient Facts

This two page fact sheet from the American College of Physicians’ details important information for your patients.

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Climate and Community Facts

This poster from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) explains what each professional can do to improve climate and community health.

CDC climate and Health connection Fact Sheets

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and American Public Health Association (APHA) released a series of documents to help communities understand the climate and health link.

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Extreme Heat & Health Brochure

Covers health impacts of heat, what to ask your doctor, and more.

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Climate and Community Facts

A series of postcards from Center for Disease Control (CDC) features case studies from health departments around the United States.

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Vulnerable populations & climate Health tool-kit

The EPA released eight fact-sheets to help communities understand the impact of climate on the health of our most vulnerable.

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Allergies & Climate health cfacts

Global warming could increase ragweed allergies, air pollution, and asthma - the NRDC provides the health facts you need to know.

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Eight impacts of Climate on Health

Created by the Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health, this document explains health outcomes with a helpful acronym.

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Climate & health Posters

These posters from the Public Health Institute draw links for patients and families between climate change and health.

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My Green Doctor waiting room brochures

These brochures will guide patients towards climate actions that are beneficial for their health and pocket book.

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Impact of heat Stress on outdoor workers

How does heat impact the agricultural industry and workers? This short brochure provides health information, strategies, and key resources to outdoor workers.